
Assistant-professor Restoration of Monuments by Faculty of Architecture - Politecnico di Milano - prof. Marco Dezzi Bardeschi (1979-1985)

Taught at the school of applied art "Andrea Fantoni" in Bergamo, where he taught courses in drawing and composition operators of furniture and practice for master masons (1977-1982)

Lecturer at the First Faculty of Architecture of Politecnico di Milano, branch in Mantova, for the "design laboratory for the recovery and rehabilitation of manufactured housing"

Among the various works carried out not only to design and manufacture of several residential buildings it takes particular importance the following tasks:

- metric, material and degradation relief of the Manica Lunga Biblioteca Classense - Ravenna
- metric, material and degradation relief of the Palazzo Bottaini - Sovere (BG)
- metric, matter and degradation relief of the Palazzo Gotico - Piacenza, surveys and monitoring of static instabilities
- Collaboration on the site recovery of Manica Lunga in Library Classense of Ravenna
- with prof. Dezzi Bardeschi
- Collaboration on the site recovery of the Bottaini Palace of Sovere (BG) - with prof. Dezzi Bardeschi: renovation of the building with conversion of part of the same apartments for subsidized housing: small apartments for young couples and elderly
- Designed and built the new headquarters of the bank Cassa Rurale ed Artigiana of Misano Gera d'Adda (BG) - in collaboration with arch. Finazzi
- Designs and manufactures a hotel Aviano (PN) - in collaboration with arch. Finazzi
- Designs and builds the new urban and street furniture of the main square of Pontirolo Nuovo (BG)
- Collaborates with arch. Finazzi for the design and manufacture of custom-made furnishings for public spaces (bars, pizzerias, restaurants, shops, banks, etc.).
- Designing and implementing the care Restructuring Plan and Business Development of the farm "Villa Casino" in Villa di Serio (BG) with its design of construction works relating to farm buildings and civil service to the company itself
- Plan an extension of the sports centre of Castelli Calepio (Bg):
- Designs and manufactures the equipment for indoor and outdoor tennis of Castelli Calepio (Bg);
- Designing an agricultural school, a mobile field hospital with metal structure, a centre for education, sport the company's behalf Edilmeccanica of Bergamo during the competition for contracts abroad
- Participate in the international competition for the New Opera Bastille in Paris
- Participate in the following national competitions:

. monumental complex of S. Fermo Bergamo
. plaza and theater Malatesta in Rimini
. street furniture in Prato della Valle in Padova
. Cemetery Gallarate (VA)
. schools of Chiuduno (BG)

He was environmental consultant for the company Chemiber of Bergamo in the analysis of projects for recovery and use of industrial by-products and disposal of solid waste, special waste and hazardous toxic waste

He was technical of the designer football stadiums in Italy on behalf of the Italian Federation of American Football which was a technical consultant in relations with CONI

Designing the proposed new bowl stadium for the city of Bergamo (1989)

He was environmental consultant for the company NNPC (Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation) for the design of interventions for the environmental restoration sites petroleum Port Harcourt and along the routes of major pipe-line

Recent Works

  1. assistant Director of Work for the construction of new prefabricated pavilion for Cardiovascular Surgery of the Ospedali Riuniti of Bergamo - year 2001/2004 - amount of work € 4,800,000.00

  2. assistant to the Tester for testing the technical and administrative environment during construction and final work on recovery and rehabilitation - completion - restoration of the central areas of the Parco Sempione - on behalf of the Municipality of Milano - year 2001/2003 - the amount of work € 5,500,000.00

  3. technical collaboration of the Design of Work cut compliance of fire safety of the Presidium of Treviglio Hospital on behalf of the Hospital of Treviglio - Caravaggio (Bergamo) - Year 2001/2005 - amount of work € 2,800,000.00

  4. assistant Director of Works for the construction of the Works of Legal Compliance for fire safety of the Presidium of Treviglio Hospital on behalf of the Hospital of Treviglio - Caravaggio (Bergamo) - Year 2001/2005 - amount of work € 2,800,000.00

  5. designer (design team) at the international competition "Architecture, Urban Housing and Sustainable Development" organized by International Union of Architects, UNESCO and the Federation of Architects Associations of the Mexican Republic in the state of Guanajuato in Mexico - Year 2002

  6. designer for the preliminary and final design for a multipurpose gymnasium and a bowling center in the town of Travagliato (Bs) - year 2004 - the amount of work: gym € 1,500,000.00 - boules € 800,000.00

  7. designer for the preliminary design, final and enforceable for the Transformation of Former Cologne Summer nursing home in the town of RSA Vigolo (Bg) on behalf of the company "Fiordaliso" in Brescia - year 2005 - the amount of work € 7,500,000.00

  8. assistant technical designer for the final and enforceable of functional recovery and global restructuring of the Elementary Schools, via Forze Armate 275 in Milano on behalf of the Municipality of Milano - Year 2003/2005 - amount of work € 2,500,000.00

  9. engineer of the project for final design and execution of the works of redevelopment of the medieval moat in Cologno al Serio (Bg) on behalf of the City of Cologno al Serio (Bergamo) - year 2004/2006 - the amount of work € 1,200,000.00

  10. assistant Director of Work on the project of upgrading of the medieval moat in Cologno al Serio (Bg) on behalf of the City of Cologno al Serio (Bergamo) - year 2004/2006 - the amount of work € 1,200,000.00

  11. test structures for the realization of the new Multipurpose Gymnasium of the City of Comun Nuovo (BG) - year 2006 - the amount of work € 1,100,000.00

  12. inspector carrying out the works for the site "recovery plan of the fortress Sanvitale" in Sala Baganza (Pr) - year 2008 - the amount of work € 15,000,000.00


  1. Ravenna, the Library Classense: the city, culture, the factory, the shipyard (exhibition catalog, Ravenna, Biblioteca Classense, February 1982), 2 vols. (Volume I: history, volume II: the building site), ed. Grafis, Bologna, February

  2. Gothic, Neogothic Ipergotico. Architecture and Decorative Arts in Piacenza, 1956-1915 (exhibition catalog, Piacenza, Palazzo Gotico, December 23, 1984 - March 3, 1985), Bologna, January 1985

  3. Interiors, Conversation Piece, in 'RECUPERARE', No.4, ed. PEG, Milan, March 1983

  4. A-LETHEIA - Lombard architecture Forget - Investigation on reuse - Alinea Editrice 1991

  5. Restauro: punto e da capo - recovery site of the Bottaini Palace of Sovere (BG) - by prof. Dezzi Bardeschi - Franco Angeli - 2000

  6. Infubuild new prefabricated pavilion for Cardiovascular Surgery of the Ospedali Riuniti of Bergamo